Friday, October 5, 2007

Seminar Turnouts

I received a great turnout at my last two Online Marketing Seminars. We had packed houses with individuals and business owners looking to find out how to get more targeted traffic to their websites. I went over the “Ten Commandments of Online Marketing” and “The Fundamentals of Online Marketing” with the groups. We also spent a a considerable amount of time on link building. The three most important things you can do as a foundation for online marketing is –

1 - Properly optimize your site for search engines with keyword rich content, alt tags, meta tags and header tags

2 – Make your site search engine friendly with robot .txt files, 404 error pages, text link site maps, Google site maps plus use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for design

3 – Build as many quality links back to your site as possible

Then follow-up by developing a twelve month online marketing plan with an established budget and available in-house man hours. It is critical that you have a good stats program and the ability to track all your marketing campaigns. Online marketing is like “paddling a canoe upstream.” The harder and faster you paddle the greater your progress, but if you stop you will go downstream real fast! Online marketing is a process that never stops as there is no “magic bullet” for success, just a commitment with a plan in place and constant tracking and monitoring your efforts.

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