Monday, July 30, 2007


I. Define your target market: international, national, country specific, state specific, local or a combination thereof.
-Percentages of the market in each category

II. Decide on the purpose of your website.
-Provide information
-Sell products and/or services
-Company or product branding
-Generate leads

III. Establish a monthly or yearly budget for online marketing.

IV. Develop a twelve month online marketing plan.
-Adjust your marketing plan approximately every month based on web traffic and your conversion rate.

V. Designate a point person in house to be responsible for plan follow-up and monitoring progress.

VI. Establish a relationship with a reliable, experienced outside resource (web design, SEO or marketing firm) to partner with to help and assist in implementing your online marketing plan.

VII. Properly optimize a new website or restructure an existing website for optimization and integrate or add all the appropriate online marketing features and functions necessary to go along with your online marketing plan.
- It’s important to create an online sales and marketing tool versus just a website.
- Consider the sales and marketing elements first, then design the website around them.
- On your Home Page you must describe exactly what you do and what separates you from your competition.
- "Why should anyone do business with you?"

VIII. Make sure you have a comprehensive web statistics program in place to track your web traffic.
- Create a Ground Zero Report to use as a base reference for your online marketing efforts.
- Check your web rankings regularly (Alexa ranking, Google page rank, link popularity, search engine rankings).

IX. Make sure you have a plan to track your conversion rate (sales, leads, requests, etc.) based on the amount of web traffic you are getting.

X. Check your statistics and track your conversions on a regular basis to analyze how your website is doing.

1 - The online marketing process is an ongoing and dynamic effort. There is no "magic bullet!" It’s like "paddling a canoe upstream, if you stop you go downstream real fast!"
2 – Make sure your online marketing efforts are properly coordinated with your offline marketing efforts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good information, just what I needed to help me with my website project!

Josh Barton